New energy PACK whole line solution provider
Composition and characteristics of lithium battery PACK
Date:2022.12.06Visits:Source:Xinde (Shenzhen) Laser Equipment Co., LTD
The so-called PACK is a simple combination, which means to process and assemble lithium batteries. PACK technology is not difficult, as long as you have this technology, you can assemble yourself. As the demand for lithium batteries continues to grow, so does the number of PACK companies. This article describes the composition and features of PACK.

PACK lithium battery structure characteristics

1. The battery string PACK is formed

PACK consists of battery pack, junction bar, soft connection, protection plate, outer packaging, output (including connectors), highland barley paper, plastic support, etc.

2. The PACK feature of the battery string

1) PACK lithium battery pack requires high consistency (capacity, internal resistance, voltage, discharge curve, life).

2) The cycle life of PACK is shorter than that of a single battery.

3) under specified conditions (including charging, discharging, charging mode, temperature, etc.).

4) After PACK molding, the voltage and capacity of lithium battery have been greatly improved, which requires monitoring of charge balance, temperature, voltage and overcurrent.

5) The voltage and capacity requirements of the battery PACK should meet the design requirements.

The technical difficulties of PACK lie in its structure, thermal management and protection level, which are divided into two aspects: First, BMS technology. We need to study BMS based on different automobile manufacturers; The second is the structure of PACK, which has high requirements for volume, weight, thermal management and sealing.

As you can imagine, if PACK wants to grow, it must have more technical expertise, better cost control ability, and more professional automation equipment to maintain a good partnership with the Oems. Xinde Laser focuses on new energy lithium battery welding equipment and PACK line solution provider.